Middle Leadership for Impact in International Schools

Course curriculum

    1. Getting Started

    2. Finding Your Way

    3. What to Expect

    4. Assessing Learning

    5. Extend & Contextualize

    6. Let's Go!

    1. Meet Your Instructor

    2. Course Goals

    3. Course Flow

    4. Guiding Questions

    5. Course Timings: Planning Your Time

    6. Tool: Your Learning Log

    1. 5 As Protocol

    1. Provocation: Thinking about Teams and Leadership

    2. Introduction: Developing Relationships

    3. Building Trust

    4. Fostering Psychological Safety

    5. Speaking Directly

    6. Modeling Vulnerability

    7. Providing Clarity

    8. Developing a Team

    9. Reflect: What? So What? Now What?

    10. Discuss: Online Global Community

    11. Module 1 Resources

    1. Provocation: Managing vs. Leading

    2. Introduction: Facilitating Collaboration

    3. Seven Norms of Collaboration

    4. Routines and Protocols

    5. Setting Team Goals

    6. Consultant and Coaching Roles

    7. Reflect: What? So What? Now What?

    8. Discuss: Online Global Community

    9. Module 2 Resources

    1. Go Deeper

    2. Take Action

    3. Discuss: Online Global Community

About this course

  • 71 lessons

Who is this course for?

  • Middle Leaders in International Schools

    Any middle leader who wants to reflect on their current practice and extend their impact on student wellbeing and learning.

  • New Middle Leaders

    Middle leaders who are transitioning to a new leadership position.

  • Aspiring Middle Leaders

    Aspiring middle leaders who want to know more about effective middle leadership.

Learning Outcomes

What will you be able to do when you have completed this course?

  • Identify the dimensions and capabilities of effective middle leaders.

  • Apply tools and approaches to support key areas of effective leadership, such as goal setting, developing relationships, using data for decision-making in student and teacher learning and measuring impact.

  • Demonstrate ways to promote the professional learning and development of your teachers or team for driving high-quality student learning, including collaborative inquiry, coaching and classroom observations.

  • Develop your own capacity, and your capacity-building skills to directly and indirectly impact teacher and student learning.

Impact on Learning

How will this course have a positive impact?

This course is based on what effective leaders do, and the capabilities that effective leaders need, to confidently make a positive impact for high-quality teaching and learning. You will leave this course with a deeper understanding of student-centred leadership practices to develop yourself as a transformative and impactful leader. You will extend your leadership competencies to set direction, build and sustain relationships and deliver results. Through inquiry and reflection, this course is designed to support your leadership journey in your school.

Meet the Course Designer

Dr. Tami Canale

Dr Tami Canale is the Director of Teaching and Learning for the upper school at the American International School of Budapest and President of the European League for Middle Level Education. Her experience covers a variety of areas, including professional development planning and programming, cultivating leadership, fostering a data culture, standards-based grading and reporting, Cultures of Thinking, school Language Policy, language acquisition and school-wide curriculum review and development. Dr Canale has created effective teams in person and globally in such roles as Department Head, Director of Teaching and Learning, Accreditation Coordinator and evaluator, and as leader and facilitator for leadership-focused professional learning communities.


What are you still wondering?

  • Is this a certified course?

    Yes. Certification is awarded by MiniPD, from Faria Education Group.

  • What do I need to do to gain my certificate?

    You will need to complete all modules, learning activities in practice, and checking for understanding final assessment.

  • What certificate will I receive?

    You will be awarded the Certificate of Completion in 'Middle Level Leadership for Impact in International Schools'.

  • Can MiniPD courses count towards my continuing education requirements?

    MiniPD is partnering with Kent State University, a R1 university in the United States, to grant graduate credits for completing MiniPD courses. To receive graduate credits, the learner must complete a required number of MiniPD Core or MiniCourses, and submit the completed MiniPD Learning Logs for each course. Details of the credit application process can be found at https://www.kent.edu/ehhs/offices/pd/minipd-courses. Please check with your license issuing authorities for details on the number of credits needed for your license renewal.

  • How can I continue learning?

    You will be presented with suggested pathways to support continued learning. These will include carefully designed resources, MiniCourses, and personalized coaching conversations.

  • How can my school leverage the learning and amplify impact?

    We can support you to implement this course in your own school with suggested approaches for interleaved professional development days, professional learning communities, and ongoing job-embedded peer learning structures.

Connect with a Coach

Connect with coaches who have extensive experience in leading specific areas. They are here to support you to reflect and develop your own leadership practices!