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Learning Outcomes

What will you be able to do upon completion of this MiniCourse?

  • Explain content and language integrated learning and its key component.

  • Identify key language needed within a unit of study or inquiry in order for students to successfully access and communicate their learning.

  • Design standards aligned content/learning and language targets that facilitate rigorous conceptual development while facilitating language acquisition.

  • Strategically design a lesson that utilizes a version framework that facilitates language acquisition.

MiniCourse Overview

    1. Getting Started

    2. Finding Your Way

    3. What to Expect

    4. Confirming Learning

    5. Let's Go

    1. Focus and Welcome

    2. Focus

    3. MiniPD Learning Log

    4. How to download and save the MiniPD Learning Log

    1. Explore 1: The Why of Content and Language Integrated Learning

    2. Explore Further: Content and Language Integrated Learning

    3. Reflect

    1. Explore 1: How to design for CLIL

    2. Explore 2: Learning and Language Targets

    3. Explore Further 3: Resources for Writing Language Targets

    4. Interact

    1. Take action

    2. Reflect

    3. Confirm

    1. Extend: Continue learning with MiniPD

    2. Book a MiniPD Coaching Session

    3. DISCUSS with colleagues

About this course

  • 24 lessons

Meet the MiniCourse Coach

MiniPD Coach Beth Puma

Beth Puma is currently an Instructional Coach and EAL Specialist at The American School in Japan. She has a broad range of experience as a classroom teacher, EAL specialist, curriculum coordinator and coach in K-12 schools. She has worked with linguistically diverse students in New York City, Tucson, Guangzhou, and Tokyo. She specializes in working with teachers in unit and lesson design that strategically meets students’ needs through inquiry, standards aligned-instruction, differentiation, and scaffolding. Beth is dedicated to building a more transformative educational landscape that honors linguistic diversity and challenges societal paradigms.

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